This type measures 5 line in size and was produced with the end-cut method. The type block is stamped Vanderburgh, Wells & Co., New York which was used by Wells and Vanderburgh between 1867–1890.
This face was first shown as wood type by William H. Page in James Conner’s Sons Typographic Messenger, Vol.2 No.1 (November, 1866).
This cut of Gothic Tuscan was shown in American Wood Type on page 308 and in the folio on page 32.
Type name used by manufacturer:
Hamilton Gothic Tuscan or No 185
Morgans & Wilcox Gothic Tuscan [3088]
Page Gothic Tuscan [4185]
Tubbs Gothic Tuscan or No 2136
Wells Gothic Tuscan or No 661 [5096]
This is the Wells cut.
Kelly noted that the Gothic Tuscan style was first shown in the lighter and more condensed style by Bill, Stark & Co. in their 1853 specimen. Though it seems almost all manufacturers named the style Gothic Tuscan, Kelly referred to this style, more descriptively as Concave Tuscan.