Egyptian Ornamented

This type measures 12 line in size and was produced with the end-cut method. The type block is stamped American W. T. Co. So Windham CT which was used by Tubbs between 1883–1902.
This face was first shown as wood type by William H. Page in James Conner’s Sons Typographic Messenger, Vol.5 No.1 (January 1870).
This cut of Egyptian Ornamented was shown in American Wood Type on page 292 and in the folio on page 53.
Type name used by manufacturer:
Morgans & Wilcox Egyptian Condensed Ornamented [3216]
Page Egyptian Ornamented [283]
Tubbs No 2115
Wells Tuscan Egyptian Condensed No 1 or No 550 [5219]
This is the Tubbs cut.
In American Wood Type Kelly noted that this style was “widely used in the last twenty years of the [19th] century and are commonly associated with Frontier events—they appear on stage bills, “Wanted” posters, etc.”