French Clarendon, 15 line

This type measures 15 line in size and was produced with the end-cut method. The type block does not have a manufacturer’s stamp.
This face was first shown as wood type by William H. Page in James Conner’s Sons Typographic Messenger, Vol.1 No.1 (November, 1865).
French Clarendon was shown in American Wood Type on page 258. This cut was shown in the folio on page 38.
Type name used by manufacturer:
Hamilton French Clarendon or No 24
Morgans & Wilcox French Clarendon [3024]
National Printers’ Materials French Clarendon
Page French Clarendon [4024]
Tubbs French Clarendon or No 2020
Wells French Clarendon or No 461 [5021]
This is most like the Hamilton cut.