Gothic Tuscan Pointed

This type measures 11 line in size and was produced with the end-cut method. The type block does not have a manufacturer’s stamp.
This face was first shown as wood type by William H. Page in his 1859 Specimens of Wood Type.
This cut of Gothic Tuscan Pointed was shown in American Wood Type on page 319 and in the folio on page 90.
Type name used by manufacturer:
Cooley Gothic Tuscan Pointed
Page Antique Tuscan No 10 [335]
Wells [5228]
This cut has not yet been matched to a manufacturer.
In American Wood Type Kelly stated that Gothic Tuscan Pointed was shown by both Cooley and Page in each of their 1859 specimen books. While Page’s Specimens of Wood Type can be definitively dated to 1859, Cooley’s Specimens of Wood Type cannot. Due to business address labels printed in the catalog, it can be discerned that it was produced some time between 1859–1863.