Modified Gothic XX Condensed

This type measures 10 line in size and was produced with the end-cut method. The type block does not have a manufacturer’s stamp.
This face was first shown as wood type by J.E. Hamilton in his 1897 circular New Designs in End Wood Type.
Modified Gothic XX Condensed was shown in American Wood Type on page 306 and was shown in the folio on page 81.
Type name used by manufacturer:
Hamilton Modified Gothic XX Condensed or No 648
Tubbs No 2267
This cut has not yet been conclusively matched to a manufacturer.
This face seems to have originated as wood type with Hamilton. 1899 catalog shows two pages of “Modified Gothic Series” and includes No 645 (Modified Gothic), No 646 (Modified Gothic Condensed), No 647 (Modified Gothic X Condensed), and No 648 (Modified Gothic XX Condensed).
Folio notes indicate imprint (Tubbs Mfg. Co., Luddington, Michigan) and lists size as 12 line with lower case and figures missing. Book notes indicate Tubbs cut specimen type and that lowercase and figures are missing. Actual set in collection has uppercase and lower case only, and measures 10 line, with no imprint on cap “A”.