Roman X Condensed

Roman X Condensed
This type measures 6 line in size and was produced with the end-cut method. The type block does not have a manufacturer’s stamp.
This face was first shown as wood type by Edwin Allen in George Nesbitt’s 1838 First Premium Wood Types Cut by Machinery.
This cut of Roman X Condensed was shown in American Wood Type on page 234 and in the folio on page 83.
Type name used by manufacturer:
Allen Roman X Condensed
Bill, Stark Roman X Condensed
Cooley Roman X Condensed
Knox X Condensed Roman
Morgans & Wilcox Roman X Condensed [3168]
National Printers’ Materials Roman X Condensed
Page Roman X Condensed [244]
Tubbs Roman X Condensed or No 2017
Wells Roman X Condensed [5146]
This is the Wells cut.