Antique Light Face, 8.5 line

This type measures 8½ line in size and appears to have been cut by hand. The type block does not have a manufacturer’s stamp.
This particular cut was modeled on a face first shown as wood type by Darius Wells and E.R. Webb in their 1854 Specimens of Wood Type.
This cut of Antique Light Face was shown in American Wood Type on page 250 and in the folio on page 88.
Type name used by manufacturer:
Hamilton Antique Light Face [174]
Knox Light Face Antique
National Printers’ Materials Antique Light Face
Page Antique Light Face [4174]
Wells Antique Light Face [5011 & 5012]
The odd sizing and the rough quality of the finish seems to reinforce Kelly’s assertion that this face was entirely handmade.